How to Install Apache Solr on Mac Sierra 10.12

Install Apache Solr Mac Sierra 10.12

Welcome Mac User! The Tutorial Shows You Step-by-Step How-to Install Apache Solr for Mac Sierra 10.12 OS X.

And the Apache Solr Mac 10.12 Install is an industrial-strength, high performance, thread-safe search server based on Apache Lucene.

Furthermore Solr uses Lucene under the covers to provide the most powerful full text search capabilities available in any open source product.

Finally included in the How-to Install Apache Solr on Mac Sierra 10.12 You find Link to Required Oracle JDK Installation Guide.

Install Apache Solr on Mac Sierra 10.12 - Featured
  1. Download Latest Apache Solr Server Release:

    Get Apache Solr .tgz
  2. Then Double-Click on Apache Solr .tgz Archive to Extract:

  3. Open a Shell Terminal emulator window
    Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

     - Open Terminal
  4. Relocate Apache Solr Search Server:
    First make opt Directory if Not there:

    if [ ! -d "/opt" ]; then sudo mkdir /opt; fi

    And Switch contents with:

    sudo mv $HOME/Downloads/solr* /opt/

    This for a System Wide Installation, for a Local one Put it somewear into the Home…

  5. How-to Install Required Oracle JDK 8+ on MacOS:

    Install Oracle JDK for Mac
  6. Then to Access Solr Target

    cd /opt/solr*
  7. How-to Quick-Start with Solr Searching on Mac:

    Solr Queries Quick-Start
Install Apache Solr on Mac Sierra 10.12 - Solr Admin Backend