Step-by-step – Apache Ant Mac Catalina Installation Guide

Mac Catalina Installing Ant Quick-Start Guide

Hi! This Tutorial Shows You Step-by-Step How to Install Ant on Mac Catalina 10.15.

First of all Ant for Mac Catalina is a build tool, a small program designed to help software teams develop big programs by automating all the drudge-work tasks of compiling code, running tests, and packaging the results for redistribution.

Furthermore Apache Ant is written in Java and is designed to be cross-platform, easy to use, extensible, and scalable.

Finally included in the Tutorial a Link to Getting Installed the Recommended Oracle Java JDK for Mac Catalina 10.15.

How to Install Ant on Mac Catalina - Featured
  1. Open a Command Line Terminal Window
    Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    How to Install Ant on Mac Catalina
- Open Terminal